Mango Tree Center Visit

Regional CEO lands her support and visits Mango Tree Center

Nuku’alofa, Tonga – Friday 4th November 2022
Digicel Pacific Regional CEO Shally Jannif shaking hands with a resident of the Mango Tree Center

Digicel Pacific Regional CEO, Shally Jannif visited the special needs children at the Mango Tree Center with gifts and also shared a lunch meal with the residents.

Digicel Tonga together with the Director for the Mango Tree, Reverend ‘Amanaki and his wife ‘Ofa have been working closely over the past 10 years to support and looking after our Mango Tree Family.

Digicel supports the Center by providing a TV and internet connection and cash for fuel allowances to ensure that every child is picked up and dropped for school to ensure their safety and ease of transport burden for affected families. The support also stretches in constant upkeep and maintenance of the facility making sure the kids are safe and studying at a healthy environment.

Digicel Tonga CEO, Anthony Seuseu, said the Mango Tree is like family to Digicel and is very close to our hearts.

“Digicel has been supporting the Mango Tree Centre for over 10 years and we are pleased to contribute to a relevant cause like supporting and helping put a smile on the children’s faces. We have heard of the hardships and difficulties families here in Tonga face and we at Digicel are delighted and love to be a part in changing the lives of these children and giving back to the organization,” added Anthony.

“I strongly support and thank Reverend ‘Amanaki and his staff for the sacrifices made and allowing us to be a part of this organization,” said Shally.

Digicel will continue to support the work of the organisation in their great work in advocating and education of our children with special needs.